حب خاص

حب خاص

majoon e shabab

majoon e shabab

Monday, May 30, 2011

حمل نہ ٹھہرانے کا قیمتی نسخہ

نسخہ الشفاء:اگر مرد مباشرت کے وقت عضوخاص کو روغن تل سے چکنا کر کے
مبا شرت کرے تو رحم میں نظفہ نہ ٹھہرے گا

حمل نہ ٹھہرانے نسخہ

نسخہ الشفاء:اگرعورت حیض کے دنوں میں 2گرام،ہلدی تازہ پانی سےچاردن کھائے
تو حمل نہ رہے گا اور اگر حیض کے بعد بھی پانی میں پیس کر پیئے گی تو بھی حمل
نہ رہے گا
کلونجی ایک گرام گڑ میں ملا کر حیض سے فارغ ہوکر تین روز تک کھائے تو حمل
نہ ٹھہرے گا
نمبر،3،اگرعورت ایک ارنڈ کا بیج ثابت نگل لے تو ایک برس تک حاملہ نہ ہو گی

بوٹیوں سے دبلے پن کا علاج/ نسوانی حسن

دبلا پن سے مراد جسم کے وزن میں کمی واقع ہونا ہے۔ اس کی وجہ سے متاثرہ شخص کے وزن میں 
نمایاں کمی واقع ہوجاتی ہے۔ مریض بے حد دبلا پتلا اور کمزور نظر آنے 
 کمزوری کے باعث اس کے تمام اعضاءکی کارکردگی متاثر ہوجاتی ہے۔ دل کے تمام عضلات کمزور ہوجاتے ہیں جس کی وجہ سے خون کی حرکت کا نظام بہت بری طرح متاثر ہوجاتا ہے۔ جسم میں خون کی کمی واقع ہوجاتی ہے۔ معدہ اور آنتوں کی مخاطی جھلی لاغر و کمزور ہوجاتی ہے جس کی وجہ سے غذا صحیح طرح سے ہضم نہیں ہوپاتی اور تمام جسم کی نشوونما متاثر ہوجاتی ہے۔ دماغ و اعصاب کمزور ہوجاتے ہیں۔ چہرہ بے رونق سانظر آتا ہے۔اور انسان کی شخصیت ماند پڑجاتی ہے

دبلے پن کے اسباب
ضعف دماغ و اعصاب، امراض معدہ، امراض جگر، پیٹ کے کیڑے، بھوک نہ لگنا، ناقص غذاءکااستعمال، متوازن غذا ءکا استعمال نہ کرنا، خون میں سیرم البیومن (پروٹین) اور ہیموگلوبن کی کمی کا واقع ہونا، کثرت جماع، خون کی کمی ،جریان کی کثرت، احتلام کی زیادتی، اختناق الرحم، کثرت حیض، لیکوریا، قوت مدافعت کی کمزوری، رنج و غم فکر و تردداور بہت زیادہ سوچ وبچار۔

دبلے پن کا علاج
.1رات کے وقت چار عدد چھوہارے ایک پا گرم دودھ میں بھگودیں اور صبح نہار منہ اچھی طرح چباکر کھالیں اور اوپر سے دودھ پی لیں۔
رات کو سونے سے تقریباً ایک گھنٹہ پہلے یا بعد نماز عصر چار عدد کیلے کھاکر ایک پا دودھ پی لیا کریں۔ کم از کم 40 دن اس پر عمل کریں۔
.2تل سیاہ ایک پا + مغز بادام شیریں ایک چھٹانک + ناریل آدھ پا + مصری آدھ پا۔
تمام ادویہ کا سفوف تیار کرلیں۔ رات کو دو چمچ بڑے ہمراہ نیم گرم دودھ استعمال کرنے سے جسم طاقتور ہوتا ہے اورجسم میںنشاط وپھرتی پیداہوتی ہے۔دل، دماغ،جگر اور اعصاب کو طاقت پہنچتی ہے۔ چہرہ ہشاش بشاش ہوجاتا ہے
یہ نسخہ کچھ عرصہ تک مستقل مزاجی سے استعمال کریں۔
.3مغز بادام شیریں + نشاستہ + کتیرا سفید + شکر یا مصری
تمام ادویہ ہموزن لے کر سفوف تیار کرلیں۔ دو دانے انجیر ڈیڑھ پا دودھ میں جوش دے کر کسی کھلی جگہ ڈھانپ کر رکھ دیں صبح ایک چمچ سفوف کھا کر دودھ پی لیں اور انجیر کھالیں۔
جسم کو طاقتور، مضبوط اورفربہ کرنے کی یہ دوا چاند کی پہلی تاریخ سے چودہ تاریخ تک استعمال کرنی چاہئے۔ اس کے بعد دوسرے مہینے کی پہلی تاریخ سے چودہ تاریخ تک۔

برائے نسوانی حسن
مندرجہ بالا نسخہ نسوانی حسن کے لئے بھی بہتر ہے جو عورتیں نسوانی حسن میں اضافے کی خواہش مند ہوں وہ مندرجہ ذیل باتوں پر عمل کریں۔ انشاءاللہ مسئلہ حل ہوجائے گا۔حسن میں نکھار آجائے گا۔
.1نسخہ نمبر 3 صبح کو دی ہوئی ترکیب کے مطابق استعمال کریں اور رات کو سفوف کا ایک چمچ ہمراہ سادہ دودھ استعمال کریں ،مسلسل ایک ماہ تک یہ عمل کریں۔ پھر چاند کی پہلی تاریخ سے چودہ تاریخ تک دی ہوئی ترکیب کے مطابق صرف صبح کو استعمال کریں۔
.2ماذو + خراطین مصفی+ بیربہوٹی ہموزن لے کر باریک سفوف بناکر روغن زیتون کی مدد سے مرہم سی بنالیں۔ دن میں دو سے تین بار پستانوں پر ہلکی ہلکی مالش کریں کم از کم ایک ماہ سے تین ماہ تک

سدا جوانی کیلئے

ناریل60گرام،چھوہارہ بغیر گٹھلی60گرام،کشمش60گرام،مغزاخروٹ60گرام
مغز پستہ60گرام،مغزبادام60گرام،چینی60گرام
تمام کو پیس کررکھ لیں
مقدار خوراک:
 بارہ گرام صبح و شام نہار منہ ہمراہ نیم گرم دودھ ایک گلاس
جسم کی سوئی ہوئی قوتوں کو بیدار کرتا ہے جسمانی طاقت اور قوت باہ بڑھاتا ہے
مادہ تولید پیدا کرتا ہے بے اولادوں کے اولاد پیدا کرتا ہے مرد و عورت دونوں کے لیے
مفید ہےعورت ڈھیلے ڈھالے جسم کو خوبصورت سمار‌ٹ جوان بنا دیتا ہے عرصہ10سال
سے آزمودہ ہے یہ نسخہ گفٹ ہےاُن تمام لوگوں کے لیے جوالشفاء نیچرل ہربل فارما کے
چاہنے والے ہیں  ہر موسم میں استعمال کر سکتے ہیں دس دن استعمال کر کے تین دن ناغہ
کریں پھر استعمال کریں اسی طرح ایک ماہ استعمال کافی ہے ایک ماہ کے وقفے کےبعد پھر
استعمال کرسکتے ہیں...!

Monday, May 23, 2011

Nuskha Majoon e mumsik

 نسخہ معجون ممسک

پچاس گرام کلونجی،بیس گرام اسپید،دونوں کا سفوف کر لیں بعد میں شہد خالص210گرام
میں ملا لیں،پھر کسی شیشی میں ڈال کر رکھیں
مقدار خوراک:3گرام جماع سے 3 گھنٹہ پہلے خالی پیٹ ایک گلاس نیم گرم دودھ کیساتھ
فوائد::خوب امساک ہوتا ہے اعصاب پٹھوں کی کمزوری بھی رفع ہو جاتی ہے

Powerfull cock

کافور1گرام،سہاگہ1گرام،لونگ12عدد،سیاہ مرچ16عدد،سب کوخوب
باریک کرکے تھوڑاپانی ڈال کر چنے برابر گولیاں بنا لیں
طریقہ استعمال: روزانہ ایک گولی تین قطرے پانی میں حل کرکے عضو تناسل پر
دس دن طلاء کریں
فوائد:عضو تناسل میں مظبوطی پیدا کرتاہے اور موٹائی بھی کرتا ہے

joroon ka dard Tabe nabvi

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Holy sex ,First Night Tips,

Pray together

You know the importance of this day. It’s the first time you are spending alone with your wife and a remarkable beginning of a new era of your life. Among many who are still not able to get wedded due to so many reasons you are one among the lucky slot to achieve it. Isn’t it a great opportunity to thank God? Hold hands to together, read the Bible and thank God who made this entire thing possible. Commit your family life to God and promise to keep Him the head of your family. There’s no joy than to give glory to God for such a happy moment in your life.

Do not hurry.

Sex is often mistaken with intercourse. Sex doesn’t always mean inserting the genital. It starts with loving your spouse physically with all your mind. You need to admire your spouse, touch, massage, kiss passionately and most importantly make her feel that she is important. Hold her firmly and instill the feeling that she’s secure within your arms. So on day 1, you might have to talk a lot by staying physically close to her. You could hug her from behind or wrap your arms around her waist while talking. This gives her time to get used to physical contact. Generally this leads to closeness so you may end up hugging tight after a while. Once a while kiss her hands while holding it.fir

9 tips for your first night love making

Before you decided to marry your husband or wife, you must have known each other for several years. Some of you may have been staying together for quite sometimes. Either you are a virgin and will have sex for the first time with you husband or this is going to be the first sex after wedding as a husband and wife don’t rush or panic, I have 9 tips for your first night sex or your first wedding night sex.
1. Plan for your wedding night
Discuss openly with each other about your wedding night. By exchanging ideas you will roughly know what type of night both of you will go through and when you plan things properly, your wedding night will go smoothly.
2. Avoid sex few weeks before wedding
This is very important for you to create a good mood during your wedding night. Just imagine when you are hungry, you will eat as much as you can right? To ensure you don’t break this rule, don’t live together, one of you may go to your parents’ house or friends’ house.
3. Try something new or different
Read books or watch some videos or get a little advice from experts. This will definitely give you some new ideas for your wedding night sex.
4. Take things slowly
Don’t rush things. Make it like it is your first love night. Try to make it among your most romantic and intimate sexual experiences.This is one time event in your lifetime (hopefully) and make sure you enjoy it to the fullest.
5. Extent your wedding night to a wedding morning
Wedding will definitely make you exhausted. If both of you are too tired to have sex, isn’t it sweet if you can wait until tomorrow morning? After couple of hours sleep, you will have better mood to make love.
6. Wear something special
Wedding night lingerie can really help the mood. Pick something a little different than what you usually wear to excite your partner. Make sure you feel confident in it, as a confident lover is almost always a better lover.
7. Set the stage
Help yourselves get into the mood by setting the stage. Light some candles, bring some CDs and a radio, scatter rosepetals, or do whatever helps you get in the mood. And don't be afraid to kick friends and family out early. While they may tease you a little, they'll certainly understand!
8. Flirt with each other
Compliment one another. Don't bother about the rest of the family. Your family and friends already had good time at your wedding. Now is the time for you to take care of yourself and your good mood. Exchange kisses, looks and occasional touches. That will create a mood for the night.
9. Lower your expectations
Both of you are tired. Organizing and attending a wedding is not a piece of cake. Just enjoy the moment and stay in each others arms if you are too tired for something else. just take it easy and look at things calmly. After all, you will have your whole life together.

Sex Tips for Virgins on Their Wedding Night

How to Communicate Before the Wedding Night
Pick a quiet moment to ask your soon-to-be-spouse "are you feeling nervous at all about our wedding night?" Odds are, he or she will be relieved to have the opportunity to talk about it. Talk about what your hopes and fears are. If your partner has sexual experience or you want to prevent pregnancy, talking about safer sex is essential. You may want to visit a counselor, or talk about sex during your pre-wedding counseling. If you are too nervous to bring up the subject of sex, consider leaving a magazine open, or even forwarding this article in an email.

How to Communicate During Sex
The most important sex tip for being a great lover is to learn how to communicate in bed. For nervous first timers, it might seem more natural to stay silent; dirty talk can be intimidating. Try saying, "That feels good" or just moaning a little when you like something. Be observant of your partner as well - if they're quiet and still, you might want to try something different. You can ask, "Does that feel good?" or "Can I try..." Most importantly, speak up when something doesn't feel good. Sex can and should give both of you pleasure.

Will She Bleed? Will it Be Painful?
When a woman loses her virginity, it is possible for it to be a little bloody or painful. However, it shouldn't last for too long, and it is almost never very serious. To make things easier, make sure there's plenty of foreplay before you try penetration. You'll also want to have a good lubricant. I recommend a brand called "Slippery Stuff" because it is safe to use with latex, and it's glycerin-free. (Glycerin can cause yeast infections.) Even if you use a lubricated condom, you'll want to use extra lube. And, if you're afraid of bleeding on the hotel sheets, bring a towel with you, or your own sheets.

Will He Be Able to Maintain an Erection? What Happens If He Can't?
The pressure of the wedding night can be too much for many men. If things aren't "working," try to change up the mood. Spend some time kissing, and fondling each other. Perhaps make a game out of how many different body parts you can kiss, or be a little more serious by talking about the wedding, your love for each other, and milestones ahead of you. Most importantly remember that sex isn't just about penetration. There are lots of ways to make each other feel good that don't require an erection. 

First Night Tips,

. Relax and Take Things Slowly Savor this moment. While you may be a little too tired to have the most technically excellent sex of your lives, this is likely to be among your most romantic and intimate sexual experiences.*. Lower your Expectations So this may not be the most amazing sex you've ever had. So what? Try to enjoy whatever happens.
*. Read Some Sex Guide Books Who could not use a little advice from the experts? Reading Sex Books will help you to enjoy your first night more than normal.
*. Talk to Each Other Spend some time relaxing, talking about the wedding, & about your love for each other.
*. Expand Your Idea of the "Marriage Night"
 If you're too tired for foreplay, that sex is not going to be so great. Couldn't it be better to wait until the morning?
*. Flirt with each other during the wedding It can be easy to spend the whole wedding greeting Aunt Sally and Cousin Bob, cutting the cake, and attending to a thousand other details. Don't forget to stop, stare into each other's eyes, share a few extra kisses, and flirt with each other. It will also help build the excitement later.
*. Don't have Sex with Each Other for a Couple of Weeks Before the Wedding Many couples try this to make the wedding night sex fresh and new again. Others go even further by giving up sex months before the wedding so that they may be virgin-like.
*. Try Something New and Special Perhaps there's been something you have been wanting to try? Your wedding night can be a fun night to experiment.
*. Wear Something Special Wedding night lingerie can really help the mood. Pick something a little different than what you usually wear to excite your partner. Make sure you feel confident in it, as a confident lover is almost always a better lover.
*. Set the Stage Help yourselves get into the mood by setting the stage. Light some candles, bring some CDs and a radio, scatter rosepetals, or do whatever helps you get in the mood. And don't be afraid to kick friends and family out early.

First Time Sex Tips

So you have now entered your pubescent years and the only thing that grasps any interest of yours is first time sex tips for your first "drive around the block." The first time can be rather difficult and quite scary; many learned that the hard way. Before you delve into that ever so willing female, there are a few tips and tricks you should be aware of before trading in that v-card.
  1. Sex is not like porn. In fact, everything about pornography is a lie.  o not take any tips or get any ideas from your favorite skin flick, because, everything about it is a lie. In porn, women fellate those shafts like they are some sort of dreamlike, delectable candy, there are no breaks for a quick rest to catch your breath, no pubic hair getting in your mouth. Take it slow, but be confident.
  2. Keep it natural. You don't want to introduce any fancy gadgets or lubricants. Using these always increase the risk of awkward sex. And your first time will be awkward enough. Spit is the best lube.
  3. Keep it safe. Safe sex is great sex. Condoms or other forms of birth control are always a good idea. After all it is your first time, and you don't want to have a child right at the starting line. Or worse, you don't want to contract some sort of sexual disease that ruins your sexual career in its entirety. Condoms are also beneficial in preventing that early ejaculation, and, yes you will cum mighty quickly. It's quite an experience.
  4. Get the right hole. As it turns out, the fudge shop is significantly close to the magic entrance and that perineum is paper thin. If it's not slippery, don't go for it.
  5. No post communication. After you perform intercourse for the first time, you must never talk to that lucky lady after it has happened. This is for your sake.  The first time is going to be bad, you will be embarrassed and she will always think less of you. So when it comes to choosing, choose wisely. 
Right before you're about to saddle up the horse for the very first time, keep in mind these very helpful and factual tips. Heeding these five tips will improve not only your first time experience, but her experience as well, whether it is her premiere or has been far too long since she's lain with a man.

5 Good Sex Tricks

These five good sex tricks may be just what you need to spice up your love life or to show your woman it is all about her. By using these little sex tricks you will have her melting in no time and begging for more. Sex can become boring and monotonous. That doesn’t mean it is not pleasurable it just means it has become more of a to-do list thing than random act of passion. Use these sex tricks to keep the fire burning in your sex life.
  1. Surprise. The sex trick of surprise can be in or out of the bedroom. Surprise her with a weekend getaway even if it is just a hotel a few miles from home. This sex trip can add spontaneity to your day to day routine and give you someplace new to conquer the big O. The simple act of surprising your woman can add a whole new element to your sex life.
  2. Theme night. Make your bedroom romps themed. You can have a ladies night when it is all about her, or a man’s night when it is all about you. An oral night when only mouths can be used. Let your imaginations run wild.
  3. Black out. Before you try this good sex trick put everything you will need in a convenient location. Make the room completely black so that your partner can not see what you are doing to them and you cannot see what they are going to do to you. When you take away one of the senses the others become more aware. Use different fabrics across her body to create different sensations for her. It is amazing what the body can feel when it cannot see what is coming.
  4. Morning and night. Build anticipation by starting to get hot and heavy in the morning. Maybe a little oral sex or just slight foreplay to get the senses hopping all day long so that when the night comes you will be jumping on top of each other.
  5. Position. In the end, good sex tricks are all about position. Don’t be afraid to try something new no matter how off the wall it may seem. Even the slightest change in a position you do all the time can make a huge impact. 

Sex education will benefit children

There is no session in secondary schools that promotes safe sex education. I am not sure why we still don’t have it.
The word sex itself is like a taboo in Malay­sia. We live in a multi-religious society and I am sure every religion believes that sex before marriage is immoral but I also believe that no religion stops people from gaining education in a good way, sex education included.
Parents don’t talk about sex with their children because they may feel awkward and uncomfortable to talk about it. By doing this, parents don’t realise the adverse effects.
I say this because when children are curious, they keep looking for answers until they are satisfied. They tend to be more interested in entertainment or that kind of issue. So what they do is, they will openly talk about sex with their friends, and they will go to the Internet.
Children are naïve. By checking the Internet they may fall for the porn websites. Some of them may end up as porn addicts and later, they want to try it themselves. That is why I am worried because I really don’t want to see a boy from Malaysia breaking the record of Alfie Patten, who became a father at the age of 13.
I suggest that schools should have a session teaching children about sex. I would like to stress here that it is not to encourage children to have safe sex but to teach them about sex for academic purpose and in a protected environment. It should be done in a protected environment because, unlike surfing the Internet, students will be taught academically and monitored.
There may be debate on when to start sex education or also how much information to give. I think we should not be worrying about this issue because Malaysia has many doctors, psychologists and others who are capable of doing research on it.
The importance of having sex education is to give early exposure to teenagers on how sexual relationship works and also to make them aware of the risks of having sex before marriage.
For example, unprotected sex may result in diseases like HIV, and may also result in unwanted pregnancy. They can also become victims of sex abuse, especially girls.
There are many things that can be taught during such sessions, such as reproduction and reproductive health. It will be good if the session is delivered in interesting ways so that students will not get bored easily. It is also important to make sure that teenagers are comfortable listening to it. I believe it will be even better to separate boys and girls because usually girls are shy in front of boys.
I also think it should also include some religious talk so that they will know their responsibilities better. I hope this could be implemented soon because I believe children need the information so that they can be protected.

Benefits Of Sex Education

Before you jump on the abstinence band wagon you should consider the benefits of sex education. There are a lot of people who feel that sex education gives young people free reign to throw off whatever moral shackles that they were raised with to become crazy sex fiends. When it’s done properly the benefits of sex education can far out weigh what can happen if young people are left ignorant about sex. One of the benefits of sex education is it’s ability to re-enforce the moral code a person has by giving them the information that they need to avoid the pit falls of unwanted pregnancy STD’s and HIV by giving them them the information that they need to play safe it they decide to become sexually active and help them stay tough against pressure if they decide that having sex isn’t the right thing for them to do right now. So when you’re thinking what to tell your kids about sex, think of some of these benefits of  sex education.
  1. Stop negative outcomes. One of the benefits of sex education is that it  gives kids the tools that they need to prevent life altering negative outcomes such as unwanted pregnancy, STD’s and STI’s.
  2. Help kids make more informed decisions. One of the benefits of sex education that is often overlooked, is the it’s ability to help kids make more informed decisions. The more information kids have about their bodies, how they work, the pleasures and pains that come along with being sexually active, the better they equipped they are to decide if having sex is the right choice for them and the less likely they are to cave to the pressure to have sex when the subject arises.
  3. Develop healthy attitudes about sex and their bodies. A common misconception of sex education is that it gives young people that a lax and warped view of sex and their bodies. In reality the knowledge that is given to young people during sex education can help them cultivate healthier attitudes about their bodies and sex than kids who are left in the dark.
  4. Separate fact from fiction. Young people get their sexual cues from a million different sources; the Internet, television and their friends just to name a few. Many times these cues give kids the wrong signals about their bodies and sex. One of the benefits of sex education is that it gives kids the information they need to keep the truth about sex separate from what they see on TV.
  5. Prevention.  Another one of the benefits of sex education that everyone should get on board with is its ability to help prevent unwanted pregnancy and the spread of STD’s. The more you know about protection, the less likely you are to wake up with something that burns when you go to the bathroom.

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